Food Allergy Menu Consultation

Food allergens can really wreak havoc on a person’s daily life. Just trying to enjoy a nice meal with family and friends becomes more and more difficult. The waitress and waiters have to return to the kitchen, sometimes a few times, to ask about possible problem ingredients. The person ordering can feel like a pariah at a feast.

As a nutritionist, I am proud to offer a new consultation service for restaurants nationwide: analysis of menus to identify common food-based allergens. Then restaurants can list this food allergy information on their menus. Customers who have food issues will be able to know more about what they are eating, without having to ask the wait staff repeatedly about menu ingredients.

The most common food allergens are wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, and nuts. Customer reactions could include anaphylaxis (nuts), diarrhea, celiac flare up, headaches, feeling tired, bloating, gas, visual haloes…the list goes on. I can help restaurant owners avoid all that, and help their waitstaff, too, simply by identifying menu items with allergen icons up front – literally on the written menu. No more asking the waiter!

The food allergy menu consultation price varies based on the number of menu items:

  • 10 items – $150
  • 20 items – $300
  • 40 items – $600
  • 60 items – $900

If you would like me to provide you with my graphic icons to include on your menu, I can provide those too. I would give them to you as digital files.

In addition, I can help your restaurant “toot your own horn” for things that you are doing that may be you going above and beyond– For instance, does your restaurant use organic wheat or dairy, grass-fed meat, pastured butter, specially prepared items, soaked nuts, Italian heirloom wheat or pasta, etc. With my fresh view, I can help you see all of those special things that you are already doing so that you can create social media and website posts around those special things.

The process is simple. You send me your menu in a list form, with all ingredients listed, if possible. If I have any questions about sauces, salad dressings, additives, seasonings, I will ask you for a brand name and product name, or a photo of the ingredient list from each of those.